Re: Issue with formula (Contains, If and or)
Hello @DHR Temp Assignment Team Just rearranging the formula a bit You can try: =IF(AND(CONTAINS("RAPID",[AD REQUEST TYPE]@row),OR(CONTAINS("sup",[CLASS TITLE]@row),CONTAINS("…1 · -
Re: How can I identify the earliest date for each of 5 criteria in another column?
Hello @Harper141 From your description, I believe you're looking for a MIN(COLLECT()) Function. You'd find the MIN (earliest update date), using the COLLECT to break down the criteria, (Manager Name)…1 · -
Re: COUNTIF for dropdown column AND multiselect column
No problem! And so for your example, it'll only count project 1? You'll add on a repeat of criterion2. Now instead of making it dynamic $Label@row, I switched it out for the static "Department A…1 · -
Re: COUNTIF for dropdown column AND multiselect column
Hello David, HAS is looking for an exact match. Since you have a multiselect, I'd recommend you use the CONTAINS function which looks to see if a string is within the referenced cell or cell range. T…1 ·